Separating The Sexes, Just For The Though Years
Statement: Although some parents and
educators oppose same-sex classes, there is some evidence that separating boys
and girls in middle school yields positive result.
a. Opposing argument 1:
of single sex education claim that test scores of students in all-girl or
all-boys classes.
Rebuttal to argument 1
Research is inconclusive- show opposite result
Other result cannot be calculated
ü Girls are more likely to be “creative thinkers and risk
ü Boys are not confidence
when they do not have to compete with girls. Boys feel inferior when compare
with girls.
b. Opposing argument 2
classes send the message that males and females cannot work together.
Rebuttal to argument 2
Research from North
Argument ignores that children constantly interact with members of the
opposite sex outside school.
ü Settling squabbles with
ü Negotiating with
opposite-sex parent
c. Opposing argument 3
education is discriminatory and unconstitutional.
Rebuttal to argument 3
Research- show opposite result
ü Boys dominate discussion
and receive more attention than girls
d. Own point of view
1. Same-sex classes provide a
better learning environment.
2. Reasons:
Boys and girls pay less attention to each other and more attention to
their schoolworks.
Girls are more relax and ask more question.
Boys are less disruptive and more focused.
III. Conclusion
Finally, discrimination
occurs in mixed classes, so discrimination is not a valid argument.
Family Responsibility: A Dangerous Policy?
I. Introductory Paragraph
a. General Statement
There has been
talk in some political circles tahat some responsibility for social welfare
should be shifted from governments to families. This would involve a reversal
of the current trend towards increasingly smaller families and would encourage
several generations to live together in extended family.
b. Thesis Statement
a dangerous policy
that could lead to a variety of social problem.
II. Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence
It is the elderly people themselves who are
reluctant to live with their children.
Several main
reasons are commonly given for this. …….(until) they have no roots.
Topic Sentence
A further problem
is that people in the family, usually women, are likely to have to spend time
as careers.
The inevitable
consequence…..(until) that could have led to promotion.
c. Topic Sentence
Extended families
also reduce the independence of younger family members.
A family,
especially an extended one, can be…… (until) directly affected by their
Topic Sentence
Promoting the
extended family…. (until) cannot live in extended family.
For example, if
their children live overseas….. (until) available to people such as these.
Concluding Paragraph
In conclusion, it is
clear that severe social problems will result if a return to living in extended
families is encouraged. ……(until) enjoy the benefits of independent living.